Chewing - it’s important!

Who among us has not heard in childhood lecturing parents about what food should not swallow and chew? In one form or another, this recommendation is repeated from the older generation to generation. Let’s see why chewing on such close attention.

Perezhevyvaenie neobohodimo food to prepare it as a process of digestion in the stomach and further assimilation of valuable substances in the intestine.

In the process of chewing food can highlight some key points:

First of all, chewing is the most common mechanical crushing of large or hard pieces of food, without which its full digestion is impossible.

Second, the chewing can cool or heat the food to body temperature, which eliminates the possibility of injury of the mucous membrane of the esophagus or stomach.

Third, during chewing salivate, which moistens food, dissolves it and makes it easy to pass through the digestive tract. In other words, does not begin digesting food in the stomach and the mouth.

To dwell a little more saliva.

Saliva released during chewing, runs a complex reflex process of digestion. At the same time begins to stand out gastric juice and the whole digestive system is getting ready for work. By the way, is why many doctors do not recommend chewing gum to abuse. After all, if masticating it all digestive system begins to float and, over time, her work is disrupted. More helpful information you can find at, because this is site about health news!

Also, in human saliva contains a large amount of lysozyme - an antibacterial enzyme which is a kind of protective barrier against disease.

If we assess the digestive process in terms of cost / energy production, we will see the following picture:

Itself is very energy-consuming digestion process and energy derived from food, energy costs are partially compensates for (indirectly).

Now suppose that the food is poorly chewed gets into the digestive tract. What part of it will rascheplena in the stomach, is digested and assimilated, but those pieces of food that we have not chewed and not raschepilis in the stomach, will be useless to load and will not be assimilated. That is a significant part of the digestive system energy will be wasted. But if the food is chewed to a liquid state of a slurry, and then another and rascheplena in the stomach, then the efficiency of the digestive system will be maximized, as the body digest and assimilate the whole adopted by the food.

The conclusion is clear: if you learn how to chew food, the food itself and the body will require less (which is very useful for obese people). In addition, the improved condition of the digestive system, as it will work without overloading. Different gastritis, neurasthenia, colitis, ulcers and even - will disappear by themselves.

So, sitting at the table, remember the old Russian saying, “How many chew, so much and live.” As you can see, this statement is a very real reason.

Good luck!