Topic for research paper!

Diploma thesis begins with the selection of topics and there are a number of tricks that can help you choose the worthy goal of the study.

To select a theme, you can use theses exemplary theme, available to any department. However, before you choose a theme, it is important to make sure that it contains a sufficient amount of literature.

Although many experts recommend first to choose a theme, and only then begin to search for materials, I advise my students to find out first whether enough, the topic in the literature. It happens that easy at first glance, a theme is very heavy in writing by the lack of a sufficient number of sources. It is no secret also that in small towns the library stock is poor. To avoid a situation where you have already approved the research topic, and then it turns out that there is no literature on it, it is desirable to view the library catalogs. Learn more about custom research paper!

In recent years, trying to solve the problem of rampant “download”, scan or buy theses, some teachers give students the themes in your own wording or specific problems for investigation. There is nothing wrong, because among these issues and questions can always find something that interests you more.

Another thing to consider selecting a topic for a thesis humanities is its divisiveness. This is most applicable to the legal issues. Due to the fact that our legislation is constantly changing, there are usually two “camps”: those supporting the reform of an institution, while others criticize it. This is especially significant for those related to land reform, housing code, the reform of local government. Try to choose a less controversial topic, as in the defense of the thesis, you may have problems if someone from the examiner holds the opposite view, than the one presented in your work.

Thus, when writing a thesis it is important to avoid both too broad and too narrow topics. In the first case you take on an impossible task, at the risk does not meet the standard on time and the amount of text, while the second - you will probably not be able to find the required number of sources (in the reference list they should be not less than thirty). However, a more narrow formulation of the subject is still rather broad, because the quality of the content of the thesis is valued much higher than the number of pages filled with text.