Foot Massagers

Modern women know very well how important foot care, it’s one of those parts of the body that drew the most attention, being subjected to severe daily stress. In the case of liquidation of consequences of daily stress and help in caring for your feet, your helpers can become indispensable foot bath.

The foot of man performs a support function and the spring, the work it is indispensable, though invisible. Violations of a stop can turn walking into a real ordeal. The attractiveness and health of our feet are dependent on many factors, being a measure of culture, and in many ways defining the look of a woman. Fungus or purulent infection, but even just sweating feet can cause a lot of inconvenience, not to mention the loss of blood supply, as the venous and arterial blood. Hardly legs with vascular mesh will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.


Depending on the application and the desired result foot bath can be very different: cleansing or toning, tempering, or healing, or a relaxing whirlpool. The main thing in this matter - systematic because it is highly unlikely that a single procedure will bring substantial benefits. After the bath his feet should be carefully wiped dry, because moisture is a conducive environment for the development of the fungus, and smear with cream to moisten the skin of the legs.

Reduce fatigue, and remove the accumulated daily dust, dirt and bacteria to help purify the bath for the feet. Wash feet with soap and water, and then lower the foot in a warm bath prepared in advance (a tablespoon of sodium or salt and two teaspoons of baking soda per gallon of water). Recommended duration of treatment - from 15 to 20 minutes. For best results, do the 10 procedures each day, and then repeat twice a week. Damage after a bath foot cream with menthol to help relieve fatigue, even if you have spent on your feet all day. Learn more about indoor hot tub!

Medicinal properties

In autumn and winter to prevent colds is useful to make the hot foot bath with the addition of dry mustard. The duration of such baths also ranges from 15 to 20 minutes. This procedure helps to bring blood from sites of inflammation to the feet, thereby reducing the inflammatory process.

Therapeutic bath of chamomile and calendula have disinfectant properties, and promote healing of small wounds on the feet. To prepare this bath to a tablespoon of chamomile flowers and pour a liter of boiling water marigold, let stand for 30 minutes, drain, and cool slightly, making the tub.

People who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, helps tub of oak bark decoction. Take two tablespoons of oak bark, pour a liter of boiling water, simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, strain, cool and lower legs in the resulting broth. The procedures recommended in the month.

Relieve fatigue, strengthen the immune system and escape from colds to help contrast foot bath. It is necessary to lower legs alternately in hot (5-10 seconds) and cold (2-3 seconds), water, and it is necessary to complete the procedure with cold water. This is a real charge for the blood vessels, forcing them to expand it, then shrink, thereby maintaining its elasticity.