How to buy a nice tea and not to be trapped!

To date, the purchase of an electric kettle would be considered not difficult to buy cutlery or napkins. People lost in the sea of ​​choice, try not to hammer head, pick him up, but rather to the interior of the kitchen than for rapid and boiling water. Do not fall into the trap!

Our article will help you to buy the most profitable, with no extra investment of time and money!

Before you go shopping for a novelty, it is desirable to already know how much pot you need. In fact, this stage many people underestimate buying, buying a kettle, for example, the 1.5-liter woman does not always take into account the number of families, or how often to you come to visit. Highlight this moment, so you do not have to boil the kettle twice.

Another important indicator is the capacity of the kettle. Find out for their home electricity supply, as not everyone can handle 3000W. At that actually affect the power? The rate of boiling water, the higher the power, the higher the rate, respectively! It ranges from 600 to 3100Vt.

And then you’ve come to the store, knowing how much and what should liters capacity, pay attention to the right type of heating element (heater). It is of two kinds of indoor and outdoor. Kettles are open-Tan is cheaper, but have several disadvantages in the open more often appears TENe scale, which is not very easy to clean. Speaking about the merits can distinguish low noise operation. Kettles with indoor heating element does not share these shortcomings and the water is heated faster, but they cost respectively. Learn more about glass tea kettle on!

Tan decided on, move on to the final stage - a material made from korpusa.Elektrochayniki plastic, glass and metal. Plastic pots of good quality does not come across often, sometimes it is that bottled water is not good smell. This is due to the low quality of the plastic, if in doubt, take the white - it has the least impurities. Glass teapots are the best in environmental terms, but for them need special care. Metal kettles, stainless steel, have many advantages - the beauty, strength, and water boils at them faster than any other, but their body is seriously hot and may burn.

We hope this article helped you make a quality choice! Happy shopping and reasonable prices!